First Beginnings

Swaziland & South Africa

My daughter, a medical doctor, had decided to work in Africa ad living now on my own after the death of my wife, I decided to tag along in case she needed help.

During this time, I was collecting melodic ideas and playing with them, trying to put them into short piano pieces or making a melody into a song and adding it to a possible piano accompaniment. I had bought some books on music theory and harmony but was very green!




Maybe Dreaming felt too “orderly” to me and I wanted to have a little more excitement?  I find it interesting that I seem to come up with lots of different ideas that don’t sound anywhere similar to my other ones.

Music Theory In Germany

Many of the melodies that I had found appealing in Swaziland and South Africa turned into songs.

I also worked over what I had called my Left Behind suite of 3 songs sandwiched between 4 piano pieces.

Some of the new ideas turned into new piano pieces.

In addition, I found the courage to write a duo for flute and cello, a trio for 2 flutes and cello, and a trio for piano, flute and cello.


Composing Using the 8 Note (Octatonic) Scale


On Songs