Early Solo Piano Pieces

I started playing around with musical ideas already during 2013 and 2014 in Swaziland but only completed some of them after taking up residence in Wiesbaden, Germany. I picked 3 pieces to show what I came up with during those years:

Looking at it again after a few years it is interesting to see how I was already fascinated by searching for a complimentary melodic line to go with the main one and then playing each one once as the high and once as the low voice.




Maybe Dreaming felt too “orderly” to me and I wanted to have a little more excitement?  I find it interesting that I seem to come up with lots of different ideas that don’t sound anywhere similar to my other ones.


Buddy, Any Spare Keys?

In this context “keys” means scales.  You often hear announcements on the radio that composer so and so wrote the music you just heard in the key of C Major.   So the idea of a composer asking passers-by for keys to use in his/her music appealed to me.  I wanted to play around with chromatics and not be stuck with one key and then with the rules of modulation. 

At the same time, fugues were also on my mind and in one I thought it would be interesting to use a melodic line of 9 connected chromatic notes that don’t repeat until the last note and in the second I creep up the scale for the repeats. Listening to it again today I still like it, so I included it.

I hope you have enjoyed my music! I'd love to hear your comments. Please feel free to leave your comments below or contact me here.


Rolf’s Music Overview (My Early Work)


Composing Using the 8 Note (Octatonic) Scale