Trios I, II, & III

Trio I

This trio is in 3 movements.  It came into being because my granddaughter liked the song “Do you know the muffin man” very much 2 years ago and I decided to play around with that idea a bit.  I had lots of ideas but initially made a bit of a mess of it.  When I decided to write my first trio I thought that this was a perfect opportunity for me to go back to these ideas.  I wanted to write it for violin, viola and cello but it sounded so much better with the software I use if it was played by 2 flutes and a cello.


Trio II

This trio is for piano, flute and cello.  It only has one movement, which internally is however divided into 3 main sections.  In the middle section a fugue theme is played.  I wrote this in an 8 note scale.


Trio III

This trio is also for piano, flute and cello.  I wrote it using an 8 note scale.  It is a bit unusual since it starts in the first movement with 3 solos, first for the flute, then the cello and at the end the piano.  The cello picks up the theme from the flute and the piano carries on where the cello left off. 

In the second movement the instruments carry on with the themes they started out with but this time together.

The third movement is a peaceful meditation to bring the trio to an end.


I hope you have enjoyed my music! I'd love to hear your comments. Feel free to leave a comment below or send me your comments here.


What Got Me Into This


When Two Fall In Love