Why a Website?

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same”

— Franz Shubert

After completing a composition, it would still be in my mind for a week or more and it was hard to start a new piece.  But then a new idea got into my mind and took over and I forgot about the past effort.

What I did not properly do was to see that a piece was completed, so I felt it was good enough to let go of it and also good enough to be shared with others. I also did not take the time to write down why I had written a specific composition and what I had learned in the process.

Of course, it is tempting to want to tweak a piece forever, but even then each tweaking should result into another process of completion.

I did show some of my music to my daughter, Olivia and she wanted me to share what I had done with others.  I do write the music for myself, of course and while my ego would not protest if others would also like it, it is not the reason that I am doing it.  So for more than a year, I ignored Olivia’s suggestion. 

The thought that I was leaving my “babies” not quite completed, moving on to the next challenge before I had given the current work the polish it deserved bothered me.  So creating this website and recordings as something important for me made it much more attractive than simply being a place where I could fish for admirers!


On Composing


What Got Me Into This